Monday, January 27, 2014

Mommy, Son, And Family Time At 'Parksdale Farms'

Book Three - eTimeline - January 26, 2014

It was quit early for me to awake on a Saturday morning.  Usually.  I would sleep in on a Saturday morning, after long week of getting up early at other crack of dawn - in order to get my son up and prepared for school.  Now on Saturday mornings - instead of sleeping in - I get out of my bed and prepare my son, Zachary and myself for our day just in case we get visitors (our relatives) to come over and pick us up - a little get away from the apartment, since I don't have transportation. For now - while Zachary and I wait for family, I sit - I wait - I look at my favorite show, "The Godfather" -- parts 1, 2, and 3", since its the features for the entire day.  "I can't get enough of the "The Godfather!"  But - one thing I don't like is watching, is 'Santino' getting shot up like a target range - while shooting off into 'charted territory' - without protection - without the consciousness of knowing he's going to get shot up within minutes of his arrival to his sisters house to defend her honor against her abusive husband.  Wow - what a mess!  The time is 7 minutes until 3:00 p.m., still - no one in my family has come to visit.  My son, Zachary is wondering if anyone is coming to pick us up from our apartment.  It also hard on my me to know that I can't get around with about my own transportation.  Its also hard on me sometimes when my son, Zachary want to go somewhere - anywhere.  Anywhere - but here in our apartment, cooped up and bored.  Its just as well, I say!  I'm just glad that Zachary and I are spending time together.  That's all that matters.  Zachary decided to keep himself busy.  He went into he was room to play his favorite video games.  I continue to sit and watch the second installment of of "The Godfather - Part 2"  Maybe - just maybe - someone will come for a visit.  But - until then - Zachary and I will continue to spend Mommy and Son time together - like we should be spending - Mommy and Son time together.  I love my son, Zachary!  And then - at 4:16 p.m. - I received a telephone call from my brother -in-law, Lorenzo.  He asked if Zachary and I would like to go to 'Parksdale Farms' for the best strawberry short cake in the country.  Of course - I agreed!  It was to be 15 minutes before Lorenzo arrived to my apartment to pick up Zachary and I for the trip to Parksdale Farms.  I decided to make a light lunch for Zachary until Lorenzo and the rest of the family arrived.  I continued to watch the conclusion of "The Godfather -  part 2."  Fifteen minutes later, Lorenzo and the rest of the family arrived at my apartment to pick up Zachary and I up.  We started on our way to 'Parksdale Farms.'   As usual we would all share family time together while traveling to wherever our destination.  As usual....Lorenzo and my brother, Wesley would clown around to make the ride pleasurable and very exciting.  It was 35 minutes later when we (family) arrived at 'Parksdale Farms', as usual the crowds were phenomenal for the worlds awesome strawberry shortcake.  The line went smoothly without a problem.  Finally our (family) orders were taken, we found a place to sit and enjoy our strawberry short cakes - we laughed and talked - we explored 'Parksdake Farms' produce for at least 15 minutes or less, and then, we left 'Parksdale Farms' on our (family) way back to the apartment (Zachary and I) to spend more "Mommy and Son" time alone.  I picked out a movie for Zachary and I to watch.  We enjoyed the rest of the night together as 'mother and son.' I thought of the wonderful time we had (My son, my family, and I) had at 'Parksdale Farms' -- the strawberry cakes are awesome!

Open Discussion

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Feeling Of My Life Wasted

Book Two - eTimeline - January 24, 2014
There are many women out there in the world who probably feel the same way I do when it comes to feeling "I wasted my life trying to make this business plan work or I wasted my life on someone or something that wasn't worth my time and effort or my patience."  In a whole lot of ways, I feel like I robbed myself of a life I could of, or should of have- if would of taken chances to enjoy what life had to offer me, in order to make myself happy.  I admit...I'm not happy!  God and my son Zachary are the only sources that are keeping me a float.  I fault myself for my life wasted!  I regret every day I didn't take chances - or the opportunity to make things work for me and for my life and my son's life.  These are my indiscretions:  1. Relationship - I pushed away a good man.  I admit to that as my first indiscretion.  2. Mapping out a plan for myself - where I want to be - what I want to do with my life - now that I have a son...whom I really need to think about when it comes to providing the best of opportunities life has to offer.  That is a goal I would like to achieve!  3. Building up the courage to bring myself out my shell of insecurities - when it comes to relationships - making things like my (business plan and promoting it to the public without feeling afraid of being rejected, publishing my first two manuscripts - "The Minorities, The Pilot and The Minorities, Richard's Demise." There was so much I could have done with life if I would have given myself a chance - come out of my shell of insecurities - believed in myself more.  I know I would have been happy with my life, if I would take those chances to do just that.  I'm 44 years old...and I've never had a stable relationship with anyone.  "I consider myself - practically - an 'old maid' without a cause!"  I thought I had a stable relationship with my son's father, but...I was sadly mistaken!  I pray for happiness - I pray for guidance - I pray for understanding for myself - so I can give every opportunity of a good life to my son, Zachary.  I don't want to feel sorry for myself anymore!  I know I need to get off my butt and make things happen - make my life work for my son's sake.  I know it's not going to be peaches and cream, but...I need to build up my self-confidence and self-esteem to make a difference in this cruel world.  I'm so tired of failing!  I trust in the 'Name of our Lord' to bring me out of what I call - "misery!"  I will finally be happy for a change, I know I will!

Open Discussion

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Family Time At The Amusement Park 'Old Town'

Book One - eTimeline - January 18, 2014

My day started a little before noon on a Saturday morning.  My son Zachary and I are late sleepers, especially on the weekends, after a long school week of getting up just before the crack of dawn.  My brother-in-law Lorenzo had just called me to let me know he needed to go the bank.  He needed to withdraw some money for our trip to a place called"Old Town." Its an old city where there is an assortment of old stores, old cars, and fun rides.  Its clearly the place to go for family fun activities!  So...I didn't have much time to make lunch, being so, breakfast time had already pasted.  I decided to wait until Zachary and I arrive at my twin sister, Sherri and Lorenzo's apartment to get lunch...since we were welcomed to have lunch there.  While eating lunch, Sherri, mom, and I watched our favorite television show, 'In The Heat Of The Night' until it was time to leave for Old Town.  My brother had just arrived in time for our trip.  As soon as everyone (our extended family) in place, we gathered outside of Lorenzo and Sherri's apartment, we were ready to load up into the suburban...en route to Old Town.  As a family...we have so much fun together - especially when were talking about old times, game days, and just plain ordinary thing people laugh and talk about.  When it come to my brother in-law, Lorenzo and my brother, Wesley, I know my family trip...the whole way would be an exciting one.  They are total clowns - I'm not kidding!  Within thirty-five least, we (my extended family) arrives at 'Old Town' amusement park.  It was totally packed to capacity.  All I could see was old antique cars, old shops, old buildings, and tons of people enjoying themselves and having a good time.  my family and I gathered together and we started out on our journey around Old Town.  The first place we (my family and I) stopped, is the old antique shops.  We glanced around...exploring different pieces of artifacts and other amazing pieces.  Of course...the women of my family (Sherri, Octavia, my mom Ruth, and I) could not resist coming out of that store (antique shop) without buying something.  Afterwards...we continued on our journey  - walking on the legendary brick roads of Old Town where the old classic cars were parked on display - for everyone to explore and enjoy their uniqueness in retrospect. They were (old classic cars) was totally awesome to look at.  One in particular...this 1969 Chevelle...what a beauty! My family ad I continued our journey through Old Town.  My great nieces and my only great nephew and my son, Zachary saw the "Fun Spot" amusement park - of course - the children were ready to ride the rides immediately.  But first...we (the family) had to find a ticket Boothe to purchase tickets for the rides.  On the brother-in-law , Lorenzo, my nephew Chris, and his wife, my niece Octavia, and my twin sister, Sherri decided to stop at this old bar before beverages for the children, and alcoholic beverages for the adults, before we found a booth to buy tickets for the rides at Fun Spot.  Afterwards..we continued around Old Town in search of a ticket booth.  The children excitement was overwhelming!  I alerted my family on finding a ticket booth.  I bought a twenty-five dollar card...enough for four rides for my son, Zachary.  Chris and Octavia did the same.  The children were finally riding on the rides and having fun.  I had fun watching my son - having fun.  Within five or ten minutes, the wind chill (since it was a little cool when my family and arrived at Old Town) the temperature had fallen a couple of degrees below.  My family and I decided it was time to leave Old Town.  We were all hungry.  We decided to find a place where we can sit down as a family and have dinner.  We decide on 'Golden Corral' family buffet.  Lorenzo drove until we found a Golden Corral family buffet.  As a gentleman...Lorenzo pulled up in front of the Golden Corral  so that the women of the family could get out of the suburban at the front door of the family buffet...while he parked the suburban.  We waited (Sherri, Octavia, my mom Ruth, Chris, and all the children waited until Lorenzo and my brother, Wesley came into the Golden Corral to join the family from parking the suburban.  We (family) paid for the buffet - found our tables - blessed our food, and served ourselves.  We sat - we ate - we laughed - we talked - and we had fun being together as a family while we ate dinner.  After family and I started our journey back to Lorenzo and Sherri's apartment to retrieve all of our things, our cars, and ourselves.  My family and I acknowledged our fun time together at 'Old Town' and at the 'Golden Corral' before we went our separate way to our apartments.  I will never forget our time together as a family -- "Our Small Family!"  I only wish my soon to be sister-in-law, Neyome, my brother Wesley's fiancée from the island of Sri Lanka...could of been a part of my family's festivities.  She would of had an awesome time!

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