Book Five - eTimeline - February 9, 2014
I wish Neyome could of been with my family on Saturday, February 8. We had so much fun at 'Lings Buffet'. It was my first time dining there - I really enjoyed the atmosphere and the food was good. Most of all - I enjoyed spending time with my family. We laughed and talked about everything. My brother-in-law, Lorenzo and my brother, Wesley were the clowns of conversation as usual. Its never a dull moment with those two clowns. Sherri and I kept going back and forth up to the buffet, the food was so good. I never knew it existed! Afterwards - my family and I went to my brother, Wesley favorite place for coffee, "Starbucks Coffee." I call it "Wesleybucks", because my brother can't get enough of Starbucks coffee. Only Wesley and I wanted the coffee. We went inside Starbucks and order our coffee. I took a long time for our orders to come through, but, Wesley and Waite patiently. After my family and I ate - Wesley and I got our coffees - we would meet at Lorenzo and Sherri's apartment to settle down for a couple of hours - laugh again - and talk about old times. Hours later my family, Zachary and I went our separate ways.
Notice: Sorry my post is SO short, I do apologize, discussion is now open if anyone want to leave a comment or two about my post or anything you like. Please feel free.